FAQ Senegal

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What are the documents required for employee onboarding? FAQ Senegal

Birth Certificate, CNSS N° Social Security, National Identity Card, Marriage Certificate if applicable (to justify payroll computation), Birth Certificate of Employee’s Child/Children (to justify payroll computation), Bank Details on the bank’s letterhead (less than 3 months old), End of Contract Certificate from the previous employer, Photo of Employee and Spouse (if eligible) FAQ Senegal

What is the notice period as per the law?

1 month for blue-collar and white-collar workers
2 months for supervisors and similar staff
3 months management and similar staff

What is the probation period as per the law? FAQ Senegal

The probationary hiring shall be performed under terms and conditions laid down by the rules and regulations in force.

8 days for hourly-paid workers
1 month for blue-collar and white-collar workers paid by the month
2 months for supervisors, technicians and similar staff

3 months for engineers, managers and similar staff

What is the statutory provision regarding overtime?

Overtime is defined as working hours performed beyond the statutory weekly working time. Overtime performed during weekly or statutory holidays shall be augmented as follows:

15% for the first eight hours of overtime worked
40% for overtime worked beyond the first bracket
60% for hours worked the days off and Holidays morning

100% for hours worked during the night on holidays and day off

What are the Statutory Working hours?

In accordance with the labour rules and regulation in force, the statutory hours of work shall be of forty (40) hours per week.

What are the Statutory Holidays for 2024


Is there a statutory minimum contract term for fixed term contract?


Is there a statutory minimum contract term for open-ended/permanent contract?

NO FAQ Senegal

Is there a statutory maximum contract term for a fixed term contract? If yes, what is the duration?

Yes, 2 Years Maximum

Is there a statutory maximum contract term for open-ended/permanent contracts?


What is the annual leave as per the law?

Twenty-four (24) Days

What is the sick leave provision as per the law? FAQ Senegal

6 months for employees with seniority less than 7 years

8 months for employees with 7 to 15 years seniority

10 months for employees beyond 15 years seniority

What is the maternity leave as per the law? FAQ Senegal

6 weeks before the delivery and 8 weeks after the delivery

Is there a provision for paternity leave? If yes, what is the paternity leave per law?

Yes, One (1) Day

Any other special leave? FAQ Senegal

Employee’s wedding (3 days)
Wedding of brother, sister or children (1 day)
Death of a spouse or direct descendant (4 days)
Death of a direct ascendant, brother or sister (2 days)
Death of a step-parent (2 days)
Baptism of a child (1 day)
First communion (1 day)

Hospitalization of spouse or child (2 days)

In the event of widowhood, employees may, if they so wish, obtain leave of absence for up to 6 months. This absence results in a suspension of the employment contract, with a guarantee that the employee will return to work at the end of the agreed period.

Do you offer private health, life insurance and pension? If yes, please indicate which one you offer?

Yes, Private Health Insurance, Life insurance & Complementary Pension

Are health insurance and pension mandatory as per the law? FAQ Senegal

Yes for both; (Pension : 8,4%)

Is severance payment mandatory? If yes, what is the process? FAQ Senegal

Yes. It is applicable in the case of a permanent contract.
Average salary for the last twelve months worked, multiplied by a percentage based on the employee’s seniority.
The result is multiplied by the number of years of seniority.

Is gratuity applicable and mandatory? If yes, what is the process?

Yes, when a fixed-term contract ends on its normal expiry date, without the employee being offered an indefinite-term contract.
7% of total gross earning of the employee during the period of the contract.

What is the statutory process for redundancy? FAQ Senegal

The employer must convene a meeting of staff representatives and explore with them all other possibilities, such as reduced working hours, shift work, short-time working, training or redeployment of staff. training or redeployment of personnel.

The minutes of this meeting, drawn up by the within eight days, to the Labour and Social Security Inspector, who has fifteen days from the date of this from the date of this communication to exercise, to exercise its good offices.

Is 13th month salary/bonus mandatory? FAQ Senegal

Not statutory, but customary

Are bonuses taxed? If yes, please indicate the type of bonuses that are taxed

Yes, All bonuses are fully taxed

What is the process for employee’s offboarding via termination?

No particular requirement when the contract comes to its natural end. In the event of termination of a permanent contract, both parties must observe a notice period. Alternatively, they can reach an agreement by means of a memorandum of understanding.

What is the process for employee’s offboarding via resignation?

The employee sends a resignation letter, respecting the notice period