FAQ Cameroon

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What are the documents required for employee onboarding? FAQ Cameroon

ID card, Birth certificate, Marriage certificated if any, Spouse National ID card Children’s Birth certificate if any, CNPS number, Location plan (address), Bank Account Attestation, Emergency Contact, E-mail, Phone number. FAQ Cameroon

What is the notice period as per the law?





Less Than a Year

1 Month

1 Month

1 Month

Between 1 and 5 Years

2 Months

2 Months

3 Months

Between 5 to 10 Years

3 Months

3 Months

4 Months

What is the probation period as per the law? FAQ Cameroon

The probationary hiring shall be performed under terms and conditions laid down by the rules and regulations in force.






5 Working Days

10 Working Days

20 Working Days

What is the statutory provision regarding overtime?

Overtime is defined as working hours performed beyond the statutory weekly working time. Overtime performed during weekly or statutory holidays shall be augmented as follows: 120%, 130%, 140% for normal working days; 140% on Sundays; 150% for night work; 200% for public holidays

What are the Statutory Working hours?

In accordance with the labour rules and regulation in force, the statutory hours of work shall be of forty(40) hours per week.

What are the Statutory Holidays for 2024


Is there a statutory minimum contract term for fixed term contract?


Is there a statutory minimum contract term for open-ended/permanent contract?

NO FAQ Cameroon

Is there a statutory maximum contract term for a fixed term contract? If yes, what is the duration?

One year and move to Unspecified

Is there a statutory maximum contract term for open-ended/permanent contracts? If yes, what is the duration?

Yes, 99 Years

Do you support part-time staff? If yes, what is the process?

Yes. Everything is clearly defined in the contract of employment

What is the annual leave as per the law?

Twenty-four (24) Days

What is the sick leave provision as per the law? FAQ Cameroon

Maximum of 6 Months

What is the maternity leave as per the law? FAQ Cameroon

14 Weeks or 98 Days

Is there a provision for paternity leave? If yes, what is the paternity leave per law?

Yes, Three (3) Days

Any other special leave? FAQ Cameroon

All special leave will be specified in your contract based on your employment company

Do you offer private health, life insurance and pension? If yes, please indicate which one you offer?

Yes, all insurances will be clearly specified in your contract

Are health insurance and pension mandatory as per the law? FAQ Cameroon

Health insurance is mandatory but private pension isn’t

Is severance payment mandatory? If yes, what is the process? FAQ Cameroon

Yes it is mandatory for workers with seniority of at least One (01) year.


1 – 5 Years

5 – 10 Years

10 – 15 Years

15 – 20 Years

Above 20 Years






55% of the average Monthly Salary of the last 12 Months

Is gratuity applicable and mandatory? If yes, what is the process?

It’s applicable but not mandatory and the process is at the discretion of the employer

What is the statutory process for redundancy? FAQ Cameroon

An amicable separation where a compromise agreement is drawn, both parties agree on the terms and is taken to the labor inspector for approval and legalized in court.

Is 13th month salary/bonus mandatory? FAQ Cameroon


Are bonuses taxed? If yes, please indicate the type of bonuses that are taxed

Yes, All the bonuses are taxed

What is the process for employee’s offboarding via termination?

The employer will notify the employee and the reason of for termination will determine if it’s an amicable seperation where a compromise agreement is drawn. Both parties agree on the terms of this agreement and it will be taken to the labour office for approval and finally legalised in court.

What is the process for employee’s offboarding via resignation?

The employee will submit a formal resignation letter stating their last day of work . They should serve notice as per the law in force. They should receive their final pay/termination dues and necessary documentation by their las day of work.